Is coeliac disease an autoimmune disease? Can you have coeliac disease without symptoms? How is coeliac disease diagnosed? Find out all about coeliac disease, colloquially referred to as gluten intolerance.
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease with symptoms including digestive problems after the consumption of products containing gluten. Gluten is a protein and is contained in various different types of grain such as wheat, spelt or rye. The body of anyone with coeliac disease produces antibodies after consuming foods containing gluten. These antibodies are detectable in the blood and damage the intestinal mucosa. This results in the intestine no longer being able to properly absorb the nutrients from food. That includes fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Around 1% of the Swiss population suffers from coeliac disease.
Is there a difference between coeliac disease and gluten intolerance? When professionals talk to patients about coeliac disease, they often use the terms interchangeably because “gluten intolerance” is easier to understand. However, there is one important difference between coeliac disease and what is referred to as non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). NCGS is not coeliac disease: the mucous membrane of the small intestine is not affected. Nevertheless, sufferers experience coeliac disease-like symptoms when they consume foods containing gluten.
The cause of coeliac disease is not fully understood. Medicine assumes that a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental influences can trigger coeliac disease because there are people who carry the antigens for coeliac disease without ever falling ill.
Can coeliac disease go away? Since a cure has yet to be found for the disease, it’s a life-long illness.
The symptoms of coeliac disease can vary greatly. Here are some examples:
Note that coeliac disease is also associated with neurological symptoms such as migraines, tiredness, fatigue, peripheral nervous system disorders, eye tremors and unsteadiness of gait. The symptoms of coeliac disease can also affect the skin. Especially in adults, severe rashes appear on various parts of the body. If you notice this symptom or other signs, talk to your doctor.
Symptoms are crucial to determining the type of coeliac disease at play:
Coeliac disease in babies often occurs in the classic form a few months after weaning. The symptoms of coeliac disease are similar to those experienced in adults. In addition to these coeliac disease symptoms, children may also experience a lack of growth and developmental delays. Worried your child might be suffering from coeliac disease? Consult a paediatrician.
Can coeliac disease be triggered by pregnancy? There is no scientific evidence that pregnancy can trigger coeliac disease. Still, there is a link between coeliac disease and pregnancy: women with undiagnosed coeliac disease are more likely to have complications during pregnancy. Have you been diagnosed with coeliac disease and want to get pregnant? Consult your doctor. They can assess whether the lining of your small intestine has recovered and can absorb sufficient nutrients again.
Doctors can carry out a coeliac test. There are two ways of diagnosing coeliac disease.
Coeliac disease tests are a common service provided by gastroenterologists. Your GP will usually refer you to an appropriate specialist if necessary. Since tests for suspected coeliac disease are medically necessary, your health insurance company will cover the associated costs under basic insurance.
Diet plays a crucial role in the treatment of coeliac disease. Since there is no cure for coeliac disease, treatment is oriented towards alleviating the symptoms. Those affected follow a life-long gluten-free diet – with good chances of success because, by doing so, they can generally live well with their coeliac disease. What should you not eat if you have coeliac disease? Avoid grains containing gluten, such as wheat, barley and rye, and check the list of ingredients for processed products.
Note that coeliac disease symptoms do not usually include weight gain. When sufferers gain weight after changing their diet, it is almost always due to improved nutrient absorption. This has a beneficial effect on the patient’s general state of health.
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Important: some patients with coeliac disease swear by the healing power of bioresonance. Caution is advised here, as there’s no cure for this disease. You should avoid methods that hold out the prospect of a cure. It’s better to trust your doctor – they will give you valuable tips on how to deal with coeliac disease.
The specialist provided the editorial team with advice and input for this article. Andrea Bovisi (BSc BFH dietitian) works in the Helsana Health Consultation Service. She helps customers on issues to do with nutrition and health promotion.
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