Lorenz Hirt

Deputy Chair

Dr Lorenz Hirt has been Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the Helsana Group since 2022 and, in this capacity, is a member of the Executive, Compensation and Nomination Committee as well as the Audit and Risk Management Committee.

He has worked for the law firm and business consultancy Emmenegger Hirt since 2001, becoming a partner in 2007. He holds various mandates in national trade associations, is a member of the Managing Director’s Committee of economiesuisse and has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Fondation Sana since 2019, where he previously spent 15 years as Managing Director.

Lorenz Hirt studied and received his Doctorate at the Faculty of Law, University of Bern, Switzerland. He was admitted to the Bern bar in 2000.

Other activities and mandates:

  • fial Federation of the Swiss Food Industries and three branch associations of the food industry, Managing Director
  • economiesuisse, member of the Managing Director’s Committee
  • Switzerland Cheese Marketing AG, Chair of the Board of Directors
  • Liebefeld Kulturen AG, Chair of the Board of Directors
  • Professor J. Werder Foundation, Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Gewerbezentrum Reber AG, member of the Board of Directors
  • Fondation Sana, member of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Trustees Committee; shareholder’s representative on the Board of Directors of the Helsana Group

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