Prix Sana rewards social commitment

This year’s Prix Sana Swiss healthcare prize has been awarded to three unsung heroes from Ennenda, Kölliken und Bonvillars. The Helsana shareholder Fondation Sana awards this prize as a way to recognise people for their selfless dedication to the welfare of others.


Every year, Fondation Sana uses the Prix Sana prize to shine the limelight on generous people who often fly under the radar – people who care for their fellow human beings and ask for nothing in return, thus providing priceless support. On Saturday 12 November 2022, the five-member jury named Regula Meyer, Siegfried Schiesser and Maria Lopez as this year’s winners of the healthcare prize, recognising their selfless and exemplary actions by rewarding them each with CHF 10,000. We are inspired by their stories:

Regula Meyer from Kölliken

Regula Meyer comes from Kölliken in the canton of Aargau and always lends an ear to those who need it – whether old or young – and helps wherever she can. Whether it’s children experiencing a difficult time, children in daycare, single parents or her own children and grandchildren, Regula has spent 24 years giving her all to supporting people. Currently, alongside childcare, she is supporting a woman struggling with alcohol dependence and helps her to get through day-to-day life.

Siegfried Schiesser from Ennenda

The voluntary services provided everyday by Siegfried Schiesser from Ennenda in the canton of Glarus is truly impressive. Shortly after entering early retirement, he started getting involved with the Swiss Red Cross and the charity Pro Senectute. He drives people around, maintains alarm buttons, helps out with tax declarations, does some gardening and generally just makes the day-to-day lives of so many local people that bit easier.

Maria Lopez from Bonvillars

On her farm in Bonvillars, Maria Lopez’s door is always open for people with and without impairments. They spend the day together, prepare food and care for the animals. Her high level of commitment has inspired everyone around her to get involved. An example of this is the PluSport sport camps that she organises multiple times each year at her chalet in the canton of Valais.

Watch these videos to learn more about the winners

Nominate your hero for the 2023 Prix Sana prize

Do you know someone who passionately and voluntarily gives their time to help other people in Switzerland? Your input could also be worthwhile for you: the Foundation is giving away hotel vouchers worth CHF 1,000 each to three entrants.

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