Our free webinars

Ricevete preziose informazioni sugli aspetti rilevanti della gestione della salute in azienda.

Our free webinars

Jogging safely

How your staff can protect themselves against injury.

Jogging safely

Information for brokers

The most important information at a glance.

Information for brokers

Insurance consultation

Your advisory team are here to find the solutions that are right for you.

Insurance consultation


There are many things you can take care of yourself - and we can help you.

Go to the Services menu

Insurance solutions

We provide you with the best services for your needs. Learn about our comprehensive insurance solutions, preventive measures and additional services for your company.


You can ensure that your staff continue to receive their salaries when they are on sick leave.

Accident insurance

Provide full accident insurance for your company and your employees.

Documents and downloads

This is where you will find the most important documents for companies. You can download, print and save the documents as PDF documents.

Do you have questions?

We're here to help.

Contact us