Publications scientifiques

Les publications scientifiques livrent des faits et chiffres sur la prévention de santé. Grâce aux données d’assurés anonymisées, nous examinons le lien entre les résultats de thérapies et les ressources engagées et en tirons des conclusions sur l’efficacité et l’efficience.

Remarque : les publications sont répertoriées dans la langue originale et uniquement disponibles dans cette langue.

Selected Tab: {"active":true,"title":"2024"}

Discrepancy between antibiotic pack sizes and guideline recommendations: a real-world analysis based on claims data

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Are integrated care models associated with improved drug safety in Swiss primary care? An observational analysis using healthcare claims data

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Prescriber-level surveillance of outpatient antimicrobial consumption to enable targeted antimicrobial stewardship: a nationwide observational study, Switzerland, 2015 to 2022

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Changes in the Use of Hydrochlorothiazide and Other Antihypertensive Drugs in Switzerland in Association With the Swissmedic Safety Alert Regarding Non-melanoma Skin Cancer: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis Using Swiss Claims Data

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Dispensed drugs during pregnancy in outpatient care between 2015 and 2021 in Switzerland: a retrospective analysis of Swiss healthcare claims data

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Real-world treatment patterns and medical costs of prostate cancer patients in Switzerland - a claims data analysis

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Use of metamizole and other non-opioid analgesics in Switzerland between 2014 and 2019: an observational study using a large health insurance claims database

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Patients on vitamin K treatment: is switching to direct-acting oral anticoagulation cost-effective? A target trial on a prospective cohort

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Development and internal validation of a prediction model for long-term opioid use - an analysis of insurance claims data

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