How long can you freeze your sperm for? How much does it cost to freeze your sperm? Do health insurance companies cover the cost of social sperm freezing? Find out about cryopreservation as a precautionary measure for men.
Cryopreservation allows men to freeze their sperm in liquid nitrogen. The sperm is preserved under strictly controlled laboratory conditions in a fertility centre or reproduction clinic. When frozen, sperm cells remain vital and capable of fertilisation for years, which opens up a wide range of treatment options for couples who want to have children.
Health insurance companies cover certain costs for fertility treatment. In Switzerland, the freezing of a man’s sperm due to therapies that might impair his fertility is one of the statutory benefits of basic insurance. Health insurance companies finance medically indicated cryopreservation for men up to the age of 40. The cost of freezing and storing sperm is covered by basic insurance for a period of five years. This can be extended by another five years, if the man’s ejaculate remains completely devoid of sperm (azoospermia).
How much does it cost to freeze sperm for personal reasons? In Switzerland, social sperm freezing is not among the statutory benefits covered by health insurance companies. The cost of freezing sperm before a vasectomy or due to other personal circumstances must be borne by the patient. Good to know: the same applies when women want to freeze their eggs. If you are planning to freeze your sperm before a vasectomy, talk to a specialist or a specialised clinic about the exact costs.
Tip: The Zurich fertility clinic Cada offers specialist advice and support for people who want to have children.
In Switzerland, it’s possible for men over the age of 18 to freeze their sperm. The reasons for this decision are many and varied, ranging from flexibility in family planning to certain illnesses. The quality of men’s sperm declines with age. The majority of patients freeze their sperm as a precautionary measure for the future. Another reason for freezing sperm is sperm donation.
Sperm cryopreservation is limited to five years in Switzerland. After this, you must request a storage extension. If you want to have children, you can freeze your sperm for a total of ten years. In Switzerland, sperm cells may only be stored indefinitely where medically indicated.
Social sperm freezing offers men the opportunity to preserve their fertility for personal reasons. The quality of sperm declines with age, so some men choose to freeze their sperm when they’re younger. The reasons for freezing sperm are many and varied, ranging from greater flexibility in family planning to health reasons.
A vasectomy is a permanent form of hormone-free contraception in which the sperm ducts are cut. Many men opt for this procedure once they have completed their family planning or do not wish to have any more children. Some men choose to freeze their sperm before a vasectomy as a precautionary measure.
New life circumstances such as a new partnership or changing personal preferences mean that men sometimes want children later in life. Freezing sperm before a vasectomy offers peace of mind for the future. The frozen sperm enables artificial insemination, even if the patient is no longer able to father a child naturally after a vasectomy.
Various illnesses can influence a man’s fertility. Freezing sperm ensures it remains viable for the long term. Precautionary sperm preservation makes sense in the event of the following illnesses and treatments:
Medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation severely damage the sperm cells. Men who undergo these aggressive treatments often experience permanent infertility. The early freezing of sperm keeps them at their original pre-therapy quality.
Cryopreservation begins with a consultation with your doctor. The sperm freezing procedure is then generally as follows:
If the ejaculate does not contain any sperm, outpatient testicular sperm extraction (TESE) is an alternative. The tissue removed is examined for sperm cells directly after the procedure and then cryogenically preserved.
The frozen sperm cells are thawed at room temperature when required. Some sperm cells don’t survive cryopreservation or are limited in their mobility. The laboratory analyses the vitality of the thawed sperm cells.
Under the ICSI method (sperm cell injected directly into the egg), the pregnancy rates for frozen sperm are the same as for fresh sperm. Due to the loss of sperm mobility, the chances of successful insemination (sperm inserted into the uterus) or IVF treatment (fertilisation in a test tube) are lower than when fresh samples are used.
Sperm cryopreservation allows men to have children despite illnesses or certain life circumstances. This method is a scientifically established way to preserve fertility for the long term. If you are interested in freezing your sperm, the best thing to do is contact a specialised fertility centre.
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