When are you considered infertile? Can PCOS cause infertility? What fertility tests are available for men and women? Will your health insurance company cover the costs of semen analysis? Find out more about infertility, its causes and diagnosis.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), infertility (or sterility) is defined as the failure of a couple to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Sterility affects around 48 million couples around the world. According to official figures, one in every five couples in Switzerland is unable to get pregnant. The actual number is likely to be higher, since many infertile couples don’t consult a medical professional.
Health insurance companies will pay for the costs of medical examinations and medically prescribed analyses to determine the causes of infertility. For men, this may include semen analysis costs, which are covered by basic insurance in Switzerland. Basic insurance also covers the costs of fertility tests for women. This can include consultations with a gynaecologist and other medical services and analyses.
There are many potential reasons for infertility. Men and women alike can experience difficulties in trying to conceive. Read on to find out more about the most common causes of infertility in both genders.
Some factors have an influence on fertility in both men and women:
There are various gender-specific causes of infertility in men that can leave couples unable to have children:
Infertility in women also has various potential gender-specific causes:
By the way, there is no established link between HPV vaccinations and sterility. Although there are side effects to the HPV vaccination, it does not lead to infertility. Incidentally, diabetes does not cause infertility in women, in contrast to men.
There are many reasons why couples may not be able to have children. It is estimated that between 30% and 50% of cases are due to genetic or chromosomal factors. Sperm production, for example, is dependent on a number of genetic factors. Certain tumours that can lead to infertility may have a hereditary component. There will often be a family history of testicular or ovarian cancer, for instance. A predisposition to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can also be hereditary. Non-genetic causes include lifestyle, age and STDs (e.g. chlamydia).
There are various fertility tests available for men and women. You can find out more about the different options below.
If you are a man and you suspect you may be infertile, the best thing to do is discuss the possible signs with a urologist. They will start by taking a look at your medical history. Relevant factors can include previous infections, illnesses and cycle irregularities in your partner. If you are a man planning to have children, you can also get support at a fertility centre.
Your doctor will then perform a physical examination, paying particular attention to your reproductive organs. You will probably have to have a semen analysis. The process is as follows:
The normal ranges for the above parameters are:
And what does semen look like if you are infertile? You can’t tell with the naked eye. However there are certain signs that you should see a doctor about. For instance, if your sperm has a yellowish hue, this could indicate an infection. You should also seek medical advice if your sperm is clear and see-through. This could mean an important component is lacking. As a general rule, you should talk to your doctor if you have any reason to suspect you might be infertile.
If your semen analysis returns poor results, it might be due to an infection or a hormonal imbalance. Your doctor will advise you to have another semen analysis a few weeks later. If your semen analysis results don’t improve, your healthcare professional will arrange examinations. However, it can be difficult to determine a clear cause in most cases.
If you are a woman and you suspect you might be infertile, consult your doctor about the potential signs. After looking at your medical history, doctors will normally perform a palpation (manual examination) and an ultrasound examination. In suspected cases of sterility, there are various fertility tests your gynaecologist can offer:
When it comes to infertility, treatment varies depending on the cause. In general, healthcare professionals recommend a healthy lifestyle with plenty of relaxation and exercise and following a balanced diet. Your doctor may also recommend additional medical measures to aid fertility.
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