Medical innovations

Thanks to our numerous co-operations with companies and partner institutions, you receive access to innovative medical diagnostic and treatment forms.

Genetic analyses and offers

Cardiovascular diseases, obesity, food intolerances and certain autoimmune disorders are influenced both by genetic factors as well as by diet and lifestyle. Genetic testing gives you valuable insights and tips on prevention and risk assessment for diseases.

Non-invasive prenatal test to determine genetic disorders (NIPT)

From as early as the ninth week of pregnancy, non-invasive tests, i.e. tests that do not require devices or catheters to be inserted into the body, can determine with a high level of certainty whether an unborn child has a genetic disorder such as trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) or trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome). 

As of mid-July 2015, this examination (trisomy 21, 18 and 13) has been covered by basic insurance, provided the requirements of the Health Care Benefits Ordinance (KLV) are met. If these requirements are not met, PRIMEO supplementary insurance covers the costs. 

NIPT by LifeCodexx

Further genetic tests can be found in the section «Costs covered for further genetic and laboratory analyses».

Medications can trigger unwanted side effects and in some cases they may even be ineffective. Different medications can also interact with one another if you have to take several at the same time. Genetic tests help to minimise these and can also help in choosing the right form of therapy.

Further genetic tests can be found in the section «Costs covered for further genetic and laboratory analyses».

If you have taken out PRIMEO supplementary insurance, Helsana will cover 90% of the costs up to a total of CHF 5,000 per calendar year for innovative diagnostic and treatment forms.

Patients with PRIMEO supplementary insurance receive exclusive paid access to other tests:

Food intolerance
  • BMT food inflammation test (provider: Biomarkers Test/Desintrade ltd)
    Test to measure the level of inflammation in the body and the personal food profile. 
  • Lactose intolerance, genotype (laboratory: Viollier and others)
    Test to detect genetic predisposition to lactose intolerance.
Individual risk assessment for a potential illness
  • Colox (provider: Novigenix and service providers/laboratories) 
    Non-invasive blood test for the early detection of colorectal cancer.
Determining the tolerability of medicines

Contact us on 0844 80 81 82 (Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.). We will review your request and notify you of the costs covered.

More about PRIMEO

Genetic factors play a key role in some diseases. The enormous progress that has been made in medical genetics research is a key reason why today’s healthcare has improved. 

With PRIMEO supplementary insurance, you benefit from direct access to leading experts in the field of medical genetics in Switzerland: 

  • Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Russmann (de, it, fr, en); Advice on pharmacogenetic examinations
  • Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Sabina Gallati (de, en); Advice on genetic examinations
  • PD Dr. med. Gabriella Pichert (de, en); Advice on oncogenetic examinations

Do you have semi-private or private insurance? Then you can also benefit from the expert second opinion service. 

When should you seek the advice of a genetic expert?
  • If you have questions about genetic analyses (testing, options, limits, consequences)
  • If you have questions about the existing results of a genetic test
  • For issues related to sample collection and the genetic testing procedure
  • To obtain recommendations for suitable service providers (e.g. laboratories) and/or general practitioners/specialists

Contact us on 058 340 13 84 (Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.). We will then contact a genetic expert. 

Further examinations and products

Healthcare is constantly improving thanks to technological progress and digitisation. This enables us to develop even better and more accurate examination methods. Patients with PRIMEO supplementary insurance receive exclusive access to the following innovative examinations:

  • Alleye app (Provider: Oculocare medical AG)
    Test to identify retinal disorders (age-related macular degeneration, diabetic macular oedema)
  • Cardio Explorer (Provider: Exploris Health AG)
    Blood test to identify life-threatening constrictions (stenosis) in blood vessels
  • CardioInsight Mapping Vest (Provider: Medtronic AG)
    Test to identify cardiac arrhythmia to produce 3D cardiac maps
  • Cervical Stiffness Measurement (Provider: Pregnolia AG)
    Support of premature birth diagnostics during pregnancy by measurement of cervical stiffness (cervix) by gynecologists using Pregnolia system
  • derma2go (Provider: derma2go AG)
    Platform for the provision of online advice by the patient’s own dermatologist
  • IBS-SMART™ (Laboratory: Unilabs)
    Blood test to identify irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • OnlineDoctor (Provider: OnlineDoctor AG)
    Initial assessment of skin problems (teledermatology)
  • RetinaLyze (Provider: RetinaLyze System GmbH)
    Test to identify diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma (cataracts)

Contact us on 0844 80 81 82 (Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.). We will review your request and notify you of the costs covered.

Our personalised coaching programs are designed to improve health and quality of life. Patients with PRIMEO supplementary insurance receive exclusive paid access to thefollowing coaching programs:

  • Personal Health Coaching (provider: SalutaCoach AG)
    Personalised health coaching at a distance (exercise, nutrition, mental health) for a holistic improvement of health.


Contact us on 0844 80 81 82 (Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.). We will review your request and inform you about the coverage of the costs. 

You can perform a self-test from a pharmacy at home in order to obtain rapid, reliable results. Patients with PRIMEO supplementary insurance receive exclusive paid access to the following innovative quick tests: 

  • autotest VIH (provider: Mepha Schweiz AG)
  • EXACTO HIV test (provider: Biosynex SA)
  • Comparable HIV self-tests from other providers/distributors

Contact us on 0844 80 81 82 (Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.). We will review your request and notify you of the costs covered.

Medical technology products or medical aids are used to detect and treat illnesses. Patients with PRIMEO supplementary insurance receive exclusive paid access to the following medical products:

  • Acticore1 (Provider: Acticore AG)
  • Pelvic Tool Home & Sport (Provider: Alonea AG) 
    Tools / medical devices «Acticore1» and pelvic floor trainer «Pelvic Tool Home & Sport» with respective health app and success control for a non-invasive and personalized distance and home training of the pelvic floor muscles and prevention of possible diseases
  • ialuril Prefill pre-filled syringe (IBSA Switzerland)
    Product for treatment of chronic bladder infections by a urologist

Contact us on 0844 80 81 82 (Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.). We will review your request and notify you of the costs covered.

Good to know

These laboratory tests are not covered by basic insurance. 

If you are interested in an innovative treatment form, please consult your doctor (e.g. genetic analyses). Most tests are only carried out if prescribed by a doctor. The partner firms make the results directly available to the doctor.

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