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  • Extra protection with UVG supplementary insurance

    If employees suffer accidents or an occupational illness, it can have serious consequences for their professional and personal life. Voluntary supplementary accident insurance is a worthwhile addition to compulsory accident insurance to ensure extensive protection against any such consequences.

    Modular supplementary accident insurance policies from Helsana Business Accident can help you extend protection for you and your employees beyond the compulsory minimum. These can help you bridge the gaps in legally defined benefits wherever you deem it necessary.

    What are you interested in?

    New supplementary insurance benefits

    Would you like to find out more about the latest changes in our range of products?

    Tariff optimisations

    Do you need an overview of how you can save money with discounts?

    Personal consultation

    Do you have any questions or concerns that you’d like to discuss one on one?

    New supplementary insurance benefits

    We update our Helsana Business Accident product range regularly. This includes making existing coverage more attractive and offering more new products. Below are a few examples:


    1. When it comes to medical expenses abroad, compulsory accident insurance only covers double the amount of treatment in Switzerland. An emergency operation for a collarbone fracture on a beach holiday in Cyprus could quickly rack up more than twice the cost. Supplementary insurance covers the additional cost.
    2. If a cross-border commuter has an accident with their bike and is left facing medical costs in their country of residence, supplementary insurance covers all medical costs that would have been paid for their colleagues in Switzerland.

    Benefit details

    • Covers the costs of overseas emergency treatments that exceed KVG, UVG or corresponding overseas insurance
    • Insured persons with a place of residence or usual place of residence in EU/EFTA countries receive treatments equivalent to treatments in Switzerland
    • Any co-payments based on legislation in EU/EFTA countries will also be covered
    • The treatments must be effective, expedient and cost-effective


    Support at home is essential after an operation. A cleaning company can help find the ideal person quickly. Helsana will cover a certain proportion of the costs as long as this is medically prescribed.

    Benefit details

    • Incapacity for work of at least 50%
    • A maximum of CHF 100 per day and no more than CHF 5,000 per accident
    • The household help may not live in the same household and may not be a relation of the insured person
    • Household help will only be covered if this is medically prescribed


    After a ski accident, the injured person would like to have their sprained knee treated using complementary methods like acupuncture alongside conventional medicine. The costs are covered by Helsana.

    Benefit details

    • Costs covered where medically necessary
    • Up to a maximum of CHF 5,000 per accident
    • Treatment by service providers recognised by Helsana


    Helsana pays a lump-sum death benefit to persons who can be freely specified in advance, e.g. a godchild.

    Benefit details

    • Lump-sum death benefit paid to individually determined persons
    • Choice depends on order of inheritance or GIC of UVG-Z


    A medication prescribed by a doctor is not covered by statutory health insurance but is necessary and approved. Helsana bridges these insurance gaps and covers the costs.

    Benefit details

    • Payment for medically prescribed off-list medications (these medications are approved by Swissmedic but cannot be covered by basic insurance)


    Unmarried couples also want to make provisions for their family if something should happen to them. Helsana offers this.

    Benefit details

    • Maximum of 40% of the insured salary (UVG salary and/or surplus salary) provided shared dependent children receive a half-orphan’s pension as defined under UVG and they all live in the same household
    • Otherwise, a one-off lump sum (equal to one times the annual pension)
    More about accident insurance

    Tariff optimisations

    You decide what you want to insure – depending on the size and risk profile of your company and the payroll to be insured. Because we calculate the scope of benefits individually and irrespective of compulsory accident insurance, we can be flexible when it comes to accommodating your needs.

    With package solutions, you can enjoy attractive discounts:

    Combine supplementary accident insurance (UVG-Z) with daily sickness benefits insurance (DSB) and/or compulsory accident insurance (UVG-O) from Helsana and occupational pensions (BVG) from our cooperation partner Swiss Life. This pays off for your company financially. The more products you combine, the higher the cumulative discount. We would be happy to discuss the options with you in detail.

    A. Combination discount

    Not only are package solutions simpler, but they pay off financially too:

    B. Additional cooperation partner discount

    You will receive an additional discount if you take out a BVG policy with our partner Swiss Life. 

    C. Special 25% discount for start-ups

    Your start-up must be no more than a year old, and the payroll covered by the policy no more than CHF 676,000. If you take out DSB insurance plus UVG-Z, you can benefit from a 25% discount on the insurance premium.

    Personalised advice

    We would be happy to provide you with non-binding advice. We will work with you to find the optimum insurance solution for your company.


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    More information

    Brochures and information sheets Insurance conditions Extension of insurance

    Cover your company and your employees against the consequences of accidents. We would be happy to analyse your insurance cover.

    Running reduces stress and keeps you fit. How to protect your staff from injury.

    See an overview of our range of services.