Win valuable prizes to mark the anniversary of the partnership between Helsana and the Theodora Foundation

Try your luck, and you could win one of three valuable prizes. You just need to answer the following question:

Two Giggle Doctors holding a Gugelhupf cake, which has the number 10 on it

Confirmation of participation

Thank you for entering the competition, {salutation} {firstname} {lastname}.

The draw will take place on 7 October 2025.

Good luck!

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Conditions of participation

The competition is open to all persons over the age of 18, with the exception of Helsana Group employeesas well as the Theodora Foundation and members of their families. Multiple entries are not permitted; if this is not taken into account, only the first entry will be considered. The winner will be drawn from all correct solutions sent in by 30.09.2025. The winner will be notified in writing or via e-mail. No correspondence will be entered into about the competition. The prizes cannot be exchanged or paid out in cash. There is no right of appeal.