What foods are good for your brain? Which vitamins boost concentration and improve memory? Are walnuts good for your brain? Find out about the impact nutrition has on your brain and how you can benefit from brain food.
Brain food refers to foods that maintain or boost mental performance. Brain foods provide the brain with everything it needs. In this case, what’s good for the body is also good for the brain. Brain foods play an important role in your general well-being. They keep your brain active and can support your concentration and your memory. So eating the right diet can help give your brain the nutrients it needs to deliver top performances day after day.
What nutrients does the brain need? Your brain depends on various vitamins and other nutrients to perform at its best. Below are a few examples:
Brain food is ideal for improving your brain performance and constitutes a key part of a balanced diet. And the best thing? This brain food brings benefits in older age too. That’s because it can help protect against dementia.
What should you eat to improve concentration? There are many different foods that boost concentration. Foods that boost concentration contain tryptophan, lecithin, magnesium and carbohydrates. A diet to improve concentration should contain the following foods:
Your diet also affects your memory. Memory-boosting foods also contain omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, folic acid and vitamin E. You can improve your memory with a diet that includes these nutrients:
All nuts generally boost your brain’s concentration and performance capability. But walnuts have one additional advantage: they increase alertness and counteract brain calcification, thus making them a top food for brain health. Eating nuts is good for the brain. In fact, experts recommend eating around 25 grams of this brain food daily. The reason for this is their high percentage of fats.
Even water is a brain food, because it provides the brain with the nutrients it needs. Drinking enough can improve your concentration and your performance. Experts recommend drinking at least 1.5 litres of water or unsweetened tea every day. People take on board almost an additional litre through their food intake alone.
Researchers have discovered that sugar and unhealthy fats may be harmful to the brain. These are found primarily in fast food, ready meals, sugary drinks and sweets and may under some circumstance influence the functioning of the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain that’s responsible for memory.
Give your brain a boost with some delectable brain food snacks. Whether at work, while studying or during a cosy afternoon on the couch – brain food can give you a real energy boost. Here are a few brain food ideas to give your brain the most important vitamins:
These brain food snacks contain key vitamins for concentration and memory, making them ideal for a balanced diet.
In the Helsana Coach app, you will find more brain food recipes for meals and snacks packed with nutrients and vitamins for more energy and concentration.
You can now select from a range of food supplements for the brain. But you should talk to your doctor before taking any such supplements. There may be alternative means of boosting your memory or your concentration. The important thing is that you eat a balanced diet that incorporates enough brain food. Ideally, you should also take part in sport and exercise regularly in the fresh air.
Brain foods provide the brain with everything it needs. Get inspiration from the many snack ideas and consciously incorporate valuable brain nutrition in your diet.
The specialist provided the editorial team with advice and input for this article. Tanja Micheli, registered nurse and IKP nutrition expert (Institute for Body-Centred Psychotherapy) works in the Helsana Health Consultation Service. She helps customers on issues to do with nutrition and health promotion.
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