The eye: our most important sensory organ

Every second, our eyes capture some 10 million bits of information. But it’s often only when our vision worsens that we realise just how much we depend on it. Here, you’ll learn more about our most important sensory organ and the insured benefits.

Once a refractive error has developed, it cannot be corrected simply by training the eye – and people have searched in vain for objective proof of the long-term effectiveness of eye yoga, pinhole glasses, etc. It is possible, however, to improve a person’s eyesight using visual aids. Various types of glasses and contact lenses serve to correct both long- and short-sightedness – and this is the remedy of choice for many people: according to a survey by the association Optikschweiz, 80% of 16- to 74-year-olds in Switzerland use visual aids.

Once the eye is fully developed, however, it is also possible to treat consistent refractive errors ranging from -12 to +6 dioptres using a laser. The laser is used to treat the cornea either superficially or at greater depths in order to correct the visual impairment.

Laser treatment is also an option for treating age-related long sight. Where this is not possible, surgeons can insert artificial lenses or corneal implants, allowing patients almost to regain their former vision.

Other signs of ageing include cataracts and glaucoma. Whereas an operation is the only way to treat cataracts, surgery is only an option in cases of glaucoma if neither medicinal therapy nor laser treatment has been successful.

Laser eye surgery – a safe bet?

Find out more about the conditions, different treatment types and the risks and costs involved.

Find out which visual aid is right for your needs.

Cataracts cause the lens of the eye to become cloudy, but surgery offers a good chance of recovery.

In glaucoma, damage to the optic nerve is irreversible. Early treatment is vital.

From your child’s first pair of glasses to contact lenses for adolescents – tips and information.

What is presbyopia, and what can you do about it? Find out about age-related long-sightedness.

Insured benefits relating to the eyes

Do you rely on glasses or contact lenses? Are you considering laser eye treatment? Or do you need cataract surgery? With our insurance policies, we contribute to the following costs:


You receive 90% of the costs of spectacle lenses and contact lenses up to a maximum of CHF 300 per calendar year.


You receive 100% of the costs for laser eye correction up to a maximum of CHF 500 per eye and per calendar year.

Basic insurance

You receive CHF 400 for a standard lens for each eye in outpatient cataract surgery.

Show all insurance benefits

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