Close major gaps in your basic insurance cover: complementary medicine, gym memberships, spectacle lenses, contact lenses, treatments abroad and much more.

  • CHF 300 per year towards spectacle lenses and contact lenses
  • Cost contributions towards preventative measures
  • • Cost contributions towards complementary medicine

Insured benefits

With COMPLETA supplementary insurance, you receive the following benefits in addition to the statutory benefits covered by basic insurance:

You receive 75% of the costs of outpatient treatments. For inpatient treatments you receive 100% of the costs up to a maximum of CHF 5,000 per calendar year.

You get 90% of the costs of spectacle lenses and contact lenses up to a maximum of CHF 300 per calendar year.

What does your basic insurance cover?

Children and young people up to the age of 18 receive CHF 180 per year towards spectacle lenses and contact lenses. 

Up to the age of 20, you receive 75% of the costs, up to a maximum of CHF 10,000 per calendar year, for the correction of tooth and jaw misalignment (e.g. braces) and removal of the wisdom teeth. 

You receive 75% of the costs of special forms of treatment, such as non-medical psychotherapy, sterilisation, vasectomy and many more, up to a maximum of CHF 4,500 per calendar year.

You receive 90% of the costs of outpatient treatments carried out by a non-contract medical practitioner (excluding psychotherapy).

In addition to the transportation benefits provided by basic insurance, you receive CHF 100,000 per calendar year for rescue, recovery and emergency transport in Switzerland. 

You receive 75% of costs up to a maximum of CHF 200 per calendar year for health-promoting fitness offers such as strength and endurance training in a gym (gym membership) and many other courses (aquafitness, gymnastics, first aid etc.).

You receive 90% of the costs (up to a maximum of CHF 750 per calendar year) for preventive measures such as vaccinations, ultrasound examinations, smoking cessation and examinations for the early detection of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

You receive 90% of the costs of conventional medications and 75% of the costs of complementary medicine remedies that are not covered by basic insurance. 

You get 90% of the costs of medically prescribed aids and equipment (e.g. blood pressure monitors, shoe inserts, etc.) up to a maximum of CHF 1,500 per calendar year. 

For inpatient and outpatient emergency treatment within EU/EFTA/UK, 100% of costs that exceed the benefits covered by basic insurance are covered. All co-payment of medical costs abroad is covered where these costs exceed CHF 300. In other countries not mentioned above, 100% of the costs that exceed the benefits covered by basic insurance are covered, but you must pay the Swiss co-payment (annual deductible and excess) yourself.

You receive the total costs for transportation to the nearest suitable hospital.

You receive legal advice and representation as well as a refund per legal case of up to a maximum of CHF 250,000 in Europe and CHF 50,000 outside of Europe.

You benefit from free telephone travel advice from Travelcheck. You can reach the team of advisors 24 hours a day on 058 340 16 22

COMPLETA PLUS – the upgrade for your health

Looking to extend your COMPLETA insurance cover? With COMPLETA PLUS, you receive even more generous reimbursements and additional benefits.

Advantages for persons insured with supplementary insurance

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Awards for COMPLETA from Vermögenszentrum (above-average) and Moneyland (first place).
Award for COMPLETA

The number-one supplementary outpatient insurance in Switzerland: COMPLETA has earned top marks for its scope of benefits.

Frequently asked questions

Supplementary outpatient insurance – also referred to as supplementary healthcare insurance – rounds out your basic insurance and closes key gaps in coverage. It assumes the costs of various treatments such as psychotherapy and complementary medicine and makes contributions towards fitness courses and gym memberships, medications, orthodontic treatments and surgeries, rescue costs abroad and much more.

If you like having the broadest possible coverage, then it is worth upgrading to COMPLETA. It closes most gaps in basic insurance cover. COMPLETA combines the advantages of TOP and SANA. Better still, many reimbursements are even more generous, for example for medical aids or preventative measures such as check-ups. For glasses and contact lenses, you even receive twice as much money back as you do under TOP. It also supports treatments abroad provided by non-contract medical practitioners.

You must reside in Switzerland (official place of residence) and have an accepted health declaration in order to take out the insurance. 

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Other supplementary insurance

You may also be interested in the following supplementary insurance:


Your supplement: Outpatient benefits and alternative treatments are covered.


COMPLETA PLUS extends the scope of cover of COMPLETA.

Helsana Advocare EXTRA

Global Internet, civil and motorists’ legal expenses insurance.

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