Close major gaps in your basic insurance cover: complementary medicine, gym memberships, spectacle lenses, contact lenses, treatments abroad and much more.
With COMPLETA supplementary insurance, you receive the following benefits in addition to the statutory benefits covered by basic insurance:
You get 90% of the costs of spectacle lenses and contact lenses up to a maximum of CHF 300 per calendar year.
What does your basic insurance cover?
Children and young people up to the age of 18 receive CHF 180 per year towards spectacle lenses and contact lenses.
For inpatient and outpatient emergency treatment within EU/EFTA/UK, 100% of costs that exceed the benefits covered by basic insurance are covered. All co-payment of medical costs abroad is covered where these costs exceed CHF 300. In other countries not mentioned above, 100% of the costs that exceed the benefits covered by basic insurance are covered, but you must pay the Swiss co-payment (annual deductible and excess) yourself.
You benefit from free telephone travel advice from Travelcheck. You can reach the team of advisors 24 hours a day on 058 340 16 22.
Supplementary outpatient insurance – also referred to as supplementary healthcare insurance – rounds out your basic insurance and closes key gaps in coverage. It assumes the costs of various treatments such as psychotherapy and complementary medicine and makes contributions towards fitness courses and gym memberships, medications, orthodontic treatments and surgeries, rescue costs abroad and much more.
If you like having the broadest possible coverage, then it is worth upgrading to COMPLETA. It closes most gaps in basic insurance cover. COMPLETA combines the advantages of TOP and SANA. Better still, many reimbursements are even more generous, for example for medical aids or preventative measures such as check-ups. For glasses and contact lenses, you even receive twice as much money back as you do under TOP. It also supports treatments abroad provided by non-contract medical practitioners.
You must reside in Switzerland (official place of residence) and have an accepted health declaration in order to take out the insurance.
COMPLETA PLUS expands the scope of cover of COMPLETA. Supplementary insurance is worth it if health promotion benefits are important to you. Among other things, you’ll receive additional cost contributions for health promotion, complementary medicine, prevention and for glasses, contact lenses and laser vision correction.
The minimum term is one year. The contract is automatically renewed each year on the expiry date for a further year.
You can terminate the insurance on 31 December of each year and switch to another health insurance company in Switzerland. A notice period of three months applies. Notice of termination must reach us by no later than the last working day in September. If the insurance premium changes, a one-month notice period applies. In this case, notice of termination must reach us by no later than the last working day in November.
A waiting period is the time (from the start of the contract) during which you do not yet have a claim to insurance benefits. The length of the waiting period can vary depending on the insurance benefit.
For maternity benefits, there is a waiting period of 365 days. That means you cannot claim these benefits before the end of the first insurance year.
You may also be interested in the following supplementary insurance:
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